Java Program Question Bank

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Java Program Question BankUsmle Question Bank

Answer to For this java program i have created the bank account abstract class and have created three subclasses. I need to create. Java How To Program Test Bank.pdf Free Download Here Introduction to Computers and Java -

Step Import the necessary libraries with the syntax at the very top of your source code: import java.util.random; import*; Step Declare a new random number generator in your 'public static void main' class with the syntax 'Random randomizer = new Random();' where 'randomizer' is the name you choose to give to your randomizing object and then declare a console object with the syntax 'Console input = new Console();' where 'input' is the name you give the console object. Step Declare the following variables: int choice; String selection; where 'choice' is the name you will give the variable that will hold the random question selection, and 'selection' is the name you will give the variable that will hold the user's answer selection. Step Declare a string array with the syntax 'QuestionList = new String[n][2];' where n is the number of questions your quiz will include and 'QuestionList is the name you will use for your array. Step Use the following syntax for each question from which you want your program to draw: QuestionList[n][0] = 'My Question nA: Answer One nB: Answer Two nC: Answer Three'; QuestionList[n][1] = 'Correct Answer'; where 'n' is the number of your question (starting at zero), 'My Question' is the question, A - C are the possible answer choices, and 'Correct Answer is the letter corresponding to the correct answer. The ' n' will make the console start displaying text on a new line, so the above sytntax will display as: My Question A: Answer One B: Answer Two C: Answer Three Step Create a loop with the syntax: int round = 0; while (round.

First your stackexchange code formatting is a little messed up as the first part of the code is not formatted. There's room for a ton of improvement. A couple things: Your code is tightly coupled to the UI, ideally you want to decouple it so you could easily switch between a console app, a windowed GUI, or a GUI-less app used in scripting. Don't do work in the constructor like that, make a separate method. Don't try to put everything into one class like you are here.

I know this is just a test but a 'real' java class would have way more classes. Palacio De Vista Alegre Direccion. – Nov 22 '11 at 20:00.

A number of points: • Do not use floating-point data types ( float or double) for amounts of money. Floating-point data types have limited precision, they cannot represent all decimal values exactly, and you're going to get roundoff errors sooner or later. Use integers instead ( int or long) and store cents instead (for example, 1040 cents) or use BigDecimal.

• Make member variables private by default; only make them protected (or another access level) if there is a good reason to do so. • Prefer local variables above member variables. Is there a good reason why s is a member variable instead of a local variable? • Don't write the main part of a program in the constructor of a class. You have the main part of your program in the constructor of the Bank class. The constructor is meant to initialize the state of a new object, so the only thing that the constructor should do is initialize member variables.

• In your constructor, you catch an InputMismatchException and print an error message ('bye bye.' ) but you are not actually returning from the constructor. So execution will continue and print 'Incorrect PIN entered.' Which is not what you meant. • The program doesn't actually do what you'd expect it to do; withdrawal, deposit etc. Functionality never gets called anywhere.

Pc Pettersson Und Findus Games more. • You need a public static void main(String[] args) method to be able to run this as a stand-alone program.