Enema Erotic

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I'm inclined to agree with Helga. I think the biggest deterrent to the rest of us knowing about how many women feel about using enemas or other similar stimulation is that many women just don't talk about it, either person to person or on sites such is this.

Those that I've found interested and willing seem to enjoy enemas/supps/whatever very much once they find someone that is open to exploring with them or they feel that they won't be put down for their comments or curiosity. I'd very much like to hear more about this from others, particularly women. Great thread, Helga! Helga wrote, 'Being a woman I firmly believe that we ladies get more enjoyment out of an enema that men do. Do you agree or not?'

Ok, I'll jump in here for a minute. Drivers Finder Windows Xp. Humanplayer Qvm File. It is my thought that more women will enjoy an enema from a man, vs. The opposite direction. I've shared enemas with my wife in the late 70s/early80s, and she was definitely on the receiving end, more so than myself. After our marriage, if I found an enemate, the woman typically liked to receive; there were not a lot of switches in the 80s to 90s. With technology, the numbers are changing; greater awareness is abounding. And, with this poll, it is my thought that you will find that women are still getting more enemas than the guys.

I would like to receive and give. For her, and us, I've always like pleasuring a woman, and the intimacy of sharing the enema experience, gender not withstanding. It's my thought that this is not necessarily a gender-based subject; however, the numbers will tell the story.

I've never been with a woman giving to me, who directly brought my prostate into play. In Greek mythology, Tiresias is changed into a woman at one point. He is then summoned before the gods on Mt.

Olympus, and is asked by Zeus who enjoys sex more: man or woman? Tiresias somewhat sheepishly replies that the woman gets 7 times more enjoyment than does the man. Hera, Zeus's wife, flies into a rage and blinds him -- for giving away a state secret? Zeus then feels sorry for him and gives him the gift of prophecy as compensation. Tiresias then goes on to get involved in the Oedipus legend, where 'it's complicated' takes on a whole new meaning. Not sure at this point if his statistics apply to enemas as well. I would tend to guess 'yes.'

I think men are more noticeable. Bear with me. Enemas use to be used very commonly a few years ago. A few years ago, women were more on the 'reserved' side as a cultural 'norm' (even tho they still received enemas-they kept it more quiet). So, it's my opinion that whether the women 'liked' enemas or not, at the age they are now - have chosen to ignore that interest because of their rearing (pardon the pun).